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» Forum Index » Problems and solutions » Topic: Epstein's torso steam drill help

Posted on 26/08/24 9:18:05 PM
Realism Realiser
Posts: 831

Re: Epstein's torso steam drill help
If anybody is interested in a breakdown, just let me know...that's if it's allowed by Steve.

The grass is greener on the other side of the fence because there is more $hit there.

Posted on 01/09/24 11:47:33 PM
Hole in One
Posts: 3029


Re: Epstein's torso steam drill help
"Spidude" Great work Dennis!

Posted on 03/09/24 9:08:08 PM
Realism Realiser
Posts: 831

Re: Epstein's torso steam drill help
lwc wrote:
"Spidude" Great work Dennis!

Ah, thanks so much Lloyd! I really appreciate it.

The grass is greener on the other side of the fence because there is more $hit there.

Posted on 04/09/24 11:24:33 AM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5388


Re: Epstein's torso steam drill help
I find the translucent bottle and the backlit hairs on the arms/legs particularly impressive.

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 06/09/24 07:46:15 AM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6952


Re: Epstein's torso steam drill help
Glorious! And do break down, certainly.

Posted on 10/09/24 09:54:23 AM
Eager Beaver
Posts: 1693


Re: Epstein's torso steam drill help
Great character Dennis, quite the imagination. Sometimes I feel that I could use that many arms. Impressive work.

Posted on 28/10/24 11:29:09 PM
Realism Realiser
Posts: 831

Re: Epstein's torso steam drill help
DavidMac wrote:
I find the translucent bottle and the backlit hairs on the arms/legs particularly impressive.

Thank you so much David. Sorry for the late response. The challenge finishes in 3 days. I've been caught up in trying another character. This time I tried to model Shaka, or how I imagined him at least.

The grass is greener on the other side of the fence because there is more $hit there.

Posted on 28/10/24 11:30:08 PM
Realism Realiser
Posts: 831

Re: Epstein's torso steam drill help
Steve Caplin wrote:
Glorious! And do break down, certainly.

Thank you so much Steve. I'll put 1 together and post it later during the week.

The grass is greener on the other side of the fence because there is more $hit there.

Posted on 28/10/24 11:32:44 PM
Realism Realiser
Posts: 831

Re: Epstein's torso steam drill help
Frank wrote:
Great character Dennis, quite the imagination. Sometimes I feel that I could use that many arms. Impressive work.

Yes, a couple of extra arms would help a great deal. I thought I had a good chance with the model but there is some outstanding work that is being submitted. I don't even know why I bothered to do Shaka as my 2nd character...but it was a great learning curb!

The grass is greener on the other side of the fence because there is more $hit there.

Posted on 29/10/24 08:53:06 AM
Realism Realiser
Posts: 831

Re: Epstein's torso steam drill help
Spidude workflow

I started the model with zsperes. It really gives a great structured mesh. My only regret was that I was so intimidated by the hands (6 of them) that I did not include hands when doing the initial zsphere model. I decided to add them later. Won't do that again. Once I had the mesh basically how I wanted it, I changed it to a poly mesh. I then wasted precious time playing with the mesh's form and started adding detail. Detail that would be under a vest and hair. Anyway, It was fun.

I masked off the size of my takkies, extracted them and imported them into Modo, where I beveled and bashed the mesh to resemble the shoes I wanted. I then cut the 1 takkie off and proceeded with only 1. I uv'd it in Headus, and started tweaking the textures in 3DCoat, PS, Materialize and Modlab, until I got the definition that I wanted. Named them "Dance" and placed a silhouette of a breakdancer on the ankle guard.

The grass is greener on the other side of the fence because there is more $hit there.

Posted on 29/10/24 08:56:19 AM
Realism Realiser
Posts: 831

Re: Epstein's torso steam drill help

The grass is greener on the other side of the fence because there is more $hit there.

Posted on 29/10/24 08:58:16 AM
Realism Realiser
Posts: 831

Re: Epstein's torso steam drill help
I suspect I was working in reverse by clothing the model before it was complete...but the task before me was really taunting. I knew I could do simple modelling, so I went for the accessories first.

Who would have thought that a simple object like a cap could give you such a headache. I modelled 5 caps before I was happy. I then followed the texturing pipeline mentioned above, creating textures and tweaking them as I went.

I masked and extracted a pair of pants in a similar fashion as mentioned with the takkies.

The grass is greener on the other side of the fence because there is more $hit there.

Posted on 29/10/24 09:00:21 AM
Realism Realiser
Posts: 831

Re: Epstein's torso steam drill help

The grass is greener on the other side of the fence because there is more $hit there.

Posted on 29/10/24 09:01:15 AM
Realism Realiser
Posts: 831

Re: Epstein's torso steam drill help
and then came the hands....6 freaking hands.

As mentioned earlier, I regret not including the hands in the offset. Why, because I lost the wonderful, structured mesh I was so desperately trying to maintain before. By adding zspheres, Zbrush creates a group order. When you remesh the model, ZB creates a very useful poly follow and maintains your groups.

I created the hands separately and then bridged them to Spidude in Modo. It was a daunting task, as I had to manipulate the hands and the arms to have a corresponding number of loops before I could bridge them together. It also ended up with a bulge where the 2 meshes met. (I'm jumping the gun here. The hands joining are depicted in the sequence of images after the below images.

The hands converted from zspheres so nicely and with very useful flow. The last hand shown (the biggest hand) has the same mesh as the hands shown before it. I merely selected the dynamic subdivision to see what the hand would act like when sud-divided in my program of choice. I was very impressed with this.

The vest was done the same way as the shorts and takkies.

The grass is greener on the other side of the fence because there is more $hit there.

Posted on 29/10/24 09:02:32 AM
Realism Realiser
Posts: 831

Re: Epstein's torso steam drill help

The grass is greener on the other side of the fence because there is more $hit there.

Posted on 29/10/24 09:05:02 AM
Realism Realiser
Posts: 831

Re: Epstein's torso steam drill help
The cellphone's mesh is far to heavy. I initially had a Daz Studio primitive in the hand holding the phone. I was going to import a pre-created cellphone but decided to model my own. So I saved the primitive, opened it in Modo and used the same primitive to make the cell phone. I depicted it purely for you to see who Spidude is on the phone with. Its the hookah smoking caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland. I think Spidude could easily have been a character in

The series of models shown depicts Spidude in various stages of work. Once I had the takkies, cap and shorts completed, I decided to tackle Spidude. I had no idea how to go about posing him. I tried to rig a zsphere skeleton to him, which eventually proved to technical for my exploding brain. I had never posed a non-rigged model before. So, masking, grouping and using the transpose tool became my companion for the following weeks. Remodeling, tweaking, etc. As mentioned before, the method or lack of one, helped me destroy the wonderful, ordered mesh that I had, when I joined the hands to Spidude. (last image on the right on the top row) I had a lot of twisting in the mesh around the wrists therefore I had to zremesh the model. Like I said, I regret that I never added hands to Spidude, in the beginning. After the remesh, I lost the flow around the fingers. This made moving and shaping the fingers very difficult. The ends were chunky and jagged. I had to smooth and move the mesh continually.

I stopped posing Spidude at the position as shown by the center line 2nd image from the left. I still needed to uv map him. I'm not sure whether I should have uv'd him in the T pose but from all the tweaking, I'm sure I would have ended up with a stretched uv map.

I uv mapped him and applied a checked texture map to see if it looked workable. It did and I proceeded to pose him into his final pose.

The grass is greener on the other side of the fence because there is more $hit there.

Posted on 29/10/24 09:07:44 AM
Realism Realiser
Posts: 831

Re: Epstein's torso steam drill help

The grass is greener on the other side of the fence because there is more $hit there.

Posted on 29/10/24 09:22:24 AM
Realism Realiser
Posts: 831

Re: Epstein's torso steam drill help
After 3 weeks of mind-blowing modelling, I finally completed the model. I have learnt a great deal from this project and challenge. Once you have familiarized yourselves with your software of choice, don't shy away from diving into a project that seems too difficult. That's where the learning starts. When the unforeseen problems arise, and you have to adapt to overcome obstacles through arts wonderful journey.

The grass is greener on the other side of the fence because there is more $hit there.

Posted on 29/10/24 09:23:57 AM
Realism Realiser
Posts: 831

Re: Epstein's torso steam drill help

The grass is greener on the other side of the fence because there is more $hit there.
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