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» Forum Index » The Friday Challenge » Topic: Challenge 754: The royal coach

Posted on 10/05/19 08:49:28 AM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6952


Re: Challenge 754: The royal coach
First to board the royal train was DavidMac, with a splendid piece of satire referencing Prince Phillip’s recent car crash. Really well put together, excellent shots of Phillip and the Queen. But - and I’m going to say this many times this week - it would have been so much more convincing if you glazed the window:

A magnificently tawdry makeover in the second entry, with a fully blinged-up coach. Terrific choice of image through the window, too, with Trump eclipsing the Queen perfectly. Spot on.

A welcome return from Eva Roth, whose train is occupied by corgis - very nicely positioned, and a good view of the Scottish countryside through the window. I like the toppling crown. Great to see you back, Eva.

A look ahead to the forthcoming state visit from Frank, with Mr T coming over all amorous. I like the light streaming through the window, Should HM the Q be looking quite so cheerful, though? I think Liquify could help here.

A fine scrolling landscape from lwc, with a very convincing repeat and a slight jiggle on the train. I like the brighter furnishings, too. But don’t forget to glaze the windows (see above). I like the corgi leaning into the miniature in the second entry; not sure about the curious shadow though. That might need rethinking.

A neatly populated scene from Ben Mills, with some well chosen people (and not a bikini in sight). They could, perhaps, have a more appealing view - and don’t forget to glaze the windows (see above).

Foreign travels from GKB, with HM waving through the window, surrounded by her regalia and a photo of her mum on the wall. The animated version opens with a steaming train, to the tune of Vivian Ellis’s Coronation Scot, which I remember from the Paul Temple radio series. A great selection of views through the window, as the train journeys around the world; why do some of the views zoom in and out, though, rather than scrolling past? Perhaps you should anchor the waving arm at the elbow, rather than half way up the forearm. But don’t forget to glaze the windows (see above). Loved the second entry - but what’s that floating thing Bugs is lying on?

Dodgy perspective aside, I was very amused by michael sinclair’s satirical entry. The chair on the right sits well in the water; the one on the left less so. I do like the expression on the dog’s face. A truly glorious second entry, though: the movement of the train works perfectly. Not sure about the bat.

I enjoyed Josephine Harvatt’s royal baby edition, although the flunky could do with a haircut. Nice to see HM looking a little cheerful. But don’t forget to glaze the windows (see above).

A medieval makeover from tooquilos, with winter fast approaching. A glorious animated version, with both social media and GoT elements; a brilliant combination of climbing night walkers and dragons, with HM taking the Arya Stark role in disposing of the Night King before ascending to the Iron Throne. What a great solution that would be! Loved this one.

A beautiful view from Linda Eckert, although I’m not sure the Rothschild family would appreciate a train line so close to their house. I like the chandelier and the doll. But don’t forget to glaze the windows (see above).

Ant Snell has assembled a good selection of royals in the coach, with a view of the former royal yacht behind. Nicely put together. You’re right about the tawdry, 1970s Travelodge nature of the yacht - and interesting that the only double bed was in the guest suite.

Extraordinary work from Mariner, who has moved the chairs and table to an altogether more relaxing setting. I assume that’s the baby in the basket, rather than a picnic. Splendid.

A clever biographical animation from srawland, very nicely done - really charming. And you’re about the only person this week who remembered to glaze the windows!

Fun week.

Posted on 10/05/19 09:25:20 AM
Magical Montagist
Posts: 3904


Re: Challenge 754: The royal coach
Thanks Steve. I had to zoom some of the images rather than scroll them past because there was not enough room on either side of the attraction to scroll. This was particularly the case with the Tower of Pisa but also the Taj Mahal. The problem was made potentially worse with the window on the right which is why HM is positioned over it. There was still a little window showing so I dropped in a slatted blind to cover it up. All that meant that I could just work with one window.

I have absolutely no excuse for the lack of reflections.

Btw trying to find a suitable rear view of HM took quite a bit of research.


Posted on 10/05/19 10:07:11 AM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5388


Re: Challenge 754: The royal coach
You are quite right about the reflections! My first entry really was a rush job. So, even had I thought of it, it might not have got done in the time.

However when I unexpectedly found time for the second entry I was not so rushed and there is no excuse for this.

Thanks Steve. It was fun.

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 10/05/19 10:43:19 AM
Eager Beaver
Posts: 1693


Re: Challenge 754: The royal coach
Thanks Steve,
I thought her expression was quite good - a little devilish maybe - and yes maybe she should be frowning considering who is offering.
My windows do have subtle refections

Posted on 10/05/19 12:45:16 PM
Hole in One
Posts: 3029


Re: Challenge 754: The royal coach
Mine had no glass windows... at least that's my story.

Thanks Steve.

Posted on 10/05/19 2:57:08 PM
Eva Roth
Luminous Liberator
Posts: 269


Re: Challenge 754: The royal coach
Thank you, Steve. I’m proud to say that I too glazed the windows, with some white blurry bits and a hint of desaturation, but probably need to practise my glazing skills…

Posted on 10/05/19 2:59:32 PM
Renaissance Mariner
Posts: 2930


Re: Challenge 754: The royal coach
Thanks Steve. I glazed all the windows!

Posted on 10/05/19 4:22:16 PM
Linda Eckert
maîtresse marocaine
Posts: 148

Re: Challenge 754: The royal coach
Thanks, Steve. I have overlooked this mistake. My train stopped and the windows were cleaned!

Posted on 11/05/19 01:17:38 AM
Pixel Perfectionist
Posts: 885


Re: Challenge 754: The royal coach
Thank you, Steve, I had wanted to make the windows vibrate a little with the motion of the train but I ran out of time and I don't know how apparent it would have been anyway.

I'm still learning.

Posted on 14/05/19 12:34:00 PM
Wizard of Oz
Posts: 2868


Re: Challenge 754: The royal coach
Thank you Steve

Wicked Witch of the West:I'll get you, my pretty!
And your little dog, too!

Posted on 14/05/19 3:38:34 PM
josephine harvatt
Gag Gadgeteer
Posts: 2603


Re: Challenge 754: The royal coach
Yes the flunky is a bit scruffy but I lost the will to live trying to find a back view of a butler that wasn't a watermarked image.Good tip about the glazing - shall try and remember next time!

I'm not really bad - I just draw that way
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