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» Forum Index » General comments » Topic: Hello all - Newbie Intro

Posted on 24/09/04 9:51:21 PM
Chris Pucci

Hello all - Newbie Intro

I thought I would say hello. I have recently purchased Steves book 'How to cheat in Photoshop' I guess the first book I should have bought is Photoshop for muppets as I have no idea what I am doing. Yet. As Steve will testify after I emailed him and started pestering him for some help. I think Steves comments went something like ' It could be a good idea to start at the front of the book instead of the back !!"

I just thought I would say Hello to you all and let you know that I will be the resident asker of Stupid questions over the next few weeks. Hopefully in the months to come I can join the ranks of you talented people !!!

Posted on 24/09/04 10:13:05 PM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6850


Re: Hello all - Newbie Intro
Well, you did start on page 278! But hey, it's not for me to tell you what order to read books in. And your Terminator worked well, so you've proved me wrong.

Welcome to the Forum!

Posted on 26/09/04 6:21:41 PM
russ davey

Re: Hello all - Newbie Intro
Hi Chris, we all start somewhere, I tend to delve into parts of the book which I need help with, but I did work through the exercises at the start, and learnt a lot of things I didnt know (colour replacement being one) shortcuts for things and healing tool etc. It does seem to get more advanced the further you go, so p278 is perhaps a bit of a jump, but it sounds like youve done ok, Steve quite rightly doesnt give compliments lightly, so well done!

Welcome aboard!

Posted on 27/09/04 10:16:51 PM
Chris Pucci

Re: Hello all - Newbie Intro
Hi Russ,

Thanks for the welcome. I have actually started the book from the beginning this weekend after Steve's good advice. I have found, as you have stated above its very useful to get the basics right first. I have been playing around with masks today. Hmmmmm maybe I should re-phrase that. What I did neglect to mention in my first post was the assistance Steve gave me in getting my image right. What a top bloke !

Posted on 15/10/04 05:49:47 AM

Re: Hello all - Newbie Intro
Hi all!

I just have to say that this book is so great! I am a landscape architect and we have been getting into the art of photo montage for our project graphics. It helps to convey our ideas to the clients who don't understand CAD plans and sections and just want to see a pretty perspective drawing of the future site that they can get jazzed about and can show off to anyone else they want to. So off we go into the world of photomontage and off I go to the bookstore thinking I'll never find anything and here I find this wonderful book! While I've been using photoshop for a few years now, I have only come across things that tell me how to use the program and not really how to use the tools to my advantage or giving me further inspiration. And then this website is great and I really enjoy looking through your Friday challenges. Maybe one day I'll submit something! I've attached a recent project drawing as an example of some of what our office is doing.

Posted on 15/10/04 05:50:46 AM

Re: Hello all - Newbie Intro
Hmm, I don't think that attached....

Posted on 15/10/04 08:33:35 AM
Golden Gif Gagster
Posts: 471


Re: Hello all - Newbie Intro
Wow, Lisa, that's very impressive - so is it hand drawn, vectors, or Photoshopped? I know Illustrator is very useful in creating detailed maps and plans and coupled with Photoshop you can turn out some stunning artwork.


mad as a badger and twice as furry

Posted on 15/10/04 08:39:11 AM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6850


Re: Hello all - Newbie Intro
Lisa, that's most interesting. Great to see Photoshop being used in so many different ways.

You might be interested in a plug-in suite called Splat!, made by Alien Skin. It has a Fill Stamp module, which takes arrays of images - in your case, it could be trees - and fills selected areas with them in random ways. You control the size, density of trees, etc. might just save you some time!

Welcome to the forum


Posted on 15/10/04 4:11:56 PM

Re: Hello all - Newbie Intro
Thanks guys! This particular one was actually drawn by hand and then given color and texture in Photoshop. A lot of time what I do is draw up the design in AutoCAD, pdf it and then take it into Photoshop with the crisp linework. Or I'll take the AutoCAD lines into Illustrator and mess with them a bit but when you're dealing with masterplans (the above drawing is only a detail section of a mile and a half long greenway) Illustrator can lag really bad. We use the hand drawn technique a lot because it helps to keep the client from the thinking the design is complete. It seems that once they see the hard lines of CAD, they start to freak out and think it can't be changed.

I also use Photoshop to create illustrative sections, elevations, and perspectives along with the plans. It's amazing how the client can feel the design more when it looks halfway real. The drawing above was shown to the design committee for this project and they went nuts. It really helped in getting approval because it was more than was a place.

But I've been really excited to see what you guys are doing with it and it just inspires me to use it in much more creative ways.

That plug-in sounds very intriguing! I'm always looking at ways to make the process faster as the deadlines are always short and the client always wants a miracle, you know how it goes!

Posted on 29/10/04 6:14:55 PM
Posts: 11

Re: Hello all - Newbie Intro
Hello all - well as the latest 'newbie, on the site I'd like to say hello and ask this question too. How do I put my picture up in my profile ? (hopefully there'll be more interesting questions to come but any help on this matter would be appreciated. Cheers

Posted on 29/10/04 6:19:27 PM
Golden Gif Gagster
Posts: 471


Re: Hello all - Newbie Intro
At 6:14:55 PM 29/10/04, FP wrote:
Hello all - well as the latest 'newbie, on the site I'd like to say hello and ask this question too. How do I put my picture up in my profile ? (hopefully there'll be more interesting questions to come but any help on this matter would be appreciated. Cheers

Click on "Personal" on the top navigation menu then click "My Profile" Where it says Avatar - type the url of your pic into the bar where it says "URL"

mad as a badger and twice as furry

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