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» Forum Index » Problems and solutions » Topic: Free Transform tool - Perspective

Posted on 19/02/18 11:38:51 PM
Posts: 2

Free Transform tool - Perspective
I can't figure out the Free Transform Tool with Perspective. It works for me sometimes, but sometimes does not.
I am refferring to the exersise in Chapter 6, p.152. Sometimes it works, but sometimes (on a different computer) it goes into the opposite side - goes bigger instead of smaller.

Also, when I am doing a similar practice excersise from Chapter 2 "Free Transform Distortion" and try to replicate the hair - it does not repeat in the direction I intend. Also, it is unclear if I am supposed to make a New Layer for each hair? Otherwise, they all reproduce in the same layer and its impossible to re-arrange the layers.

Can anybody help me?


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