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» Forum Index » Problems and solutions » Topic: Photoshop Fail - Windows 10 Update

Posted on 09/06/18 06:03:02 AM
Nick Curtain
Model Master
Posts: 1768


Photoshop Fail - Windows 10 Update
Thought I'd share with fellow Windows users (and I don't want any nagging to go out and buy a Mac!!)

The recent update to Windows 10 about 3-4 weeks ago somehow affected the performance files in PS meaning that 'not enough ram' messages were appearing when trying to perform simple tasks, i.e. use the brush tool / add a stroke to a selection etc. This seemed strange because I have plenty of memory on the PC.

Anyway, I called Adobe and, having given them remote access, they altered some settings, namely how much ram PS can use and I was up and running again in 5 minutes. So fear not there is a cure if you're in the same position.


Posted on 10/06/18 10:04:30 PM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6956


Re: Photoshop Fail - Windows 10 Update
You can set the amount of RAM Photoshop takes through the Preferences dialog.

Posted on 11/06/18 1:11:53 PM
Nick Curtain
Model Master
Posts: 1768


Re: Photoshop Fail - Windows 10 Update
Thanks Steve
I seem to recall the rep I spoke to did look at that and did some copy and paste to achieve the result having looked at my system capability. I was too scared to touch anything for fear of completely trashing the system. Leave it to the experts is my motto.


Posted on 26/06/18 11:21:51 PM
Ingenious Inventor
Posts: 2615


Re: Photoshop Fail - Windows 10 Update
I don't know much about your problem Nick. I notice the later versions of Photoshop seem to use more RAM, i.e.. its going slower, but its competing with other apps I have open with rubbish ticking away. I don't know which windows system you have, but you should be able to additional RAM to limit of it but costs $s of course. Its worthwhile I find to close everything down, restart and see if problem persists. If all ok after that, then suspect a rough app stealing all your memory and try to get rid of it. I havn't used Windows in a while, still have one, but I'm not going down that discussion why, live-and-let-live......

Posted on 26/06/18 11:23:54 PM
Ingenious Inventor
Posts: 2615


Re: Photoshop Fail - Windows 10 Update


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