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» Forum Index » Problems and solutions » Topic: 3d looks not good

Posted on 10/09/19 08:03:06 AM
Ingenious Inca
Posts: 248


3d looks not good
Hello, itīs been a long time
Iīve been into 3d lately.
3D extrusion in PS from TEXT is awesome, but not so good with other shapes (please, see attached image).
This shape was imported from Illustrator at 300 dpi. Same parameters as with regular text from PS.
Is there any hidden checkbox to make it look smooth? #)
Thanks in advance.


Posted on 10/09/19 08:05:21 AM
Ingenious Inca
Posts: 248


Re: 3d looks not good
This is the shape before extrusion.

Posted on 10/09/19 09:32:40 AM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5398


Re: 3d looks not good
Hi Vicho. My cynical reply would be don't use Photoshop. Is there some special reason to want to do this in Photoshop? Photoshop's 3D has always felt like a clumsy ill conceived 'bolt on'. It's implementation is very confusing and clunky and it's desperately slow to render. There are plenty of good purpose built 3D apps, both free and paid, that can do this for you far better with far less stress. For me, the only advantage of Photoshop 3D, which is much less prevalent in other 3D apps, is the ability to model in the context of a destination image. On occasions that's a really huge bonus but, frankly, I very rarely find it worth the stress of trying to cope with PS's 3D and usually end up going elsewhere.

That being said, there will be plenty here ready to disagree. I have seen members here achieve some astonishing results entirely within Photoshop. But in some cases they did mention that it was uphill. In one case the creator said he had done it in PS, not because it was the best way, but simply to prove to himself he could do it!

There must be a simple Photoshop answer to your question. Given my hostility to Photoshop 3D I am sadly not the one to provide it, but I am sure someone here here can. We have several very competent and experienced modellers and Steve has even written a book on Photoshop 3D.

I shall watch this space with great curiosity. Someone more helpful than I is bound to come forward and I will learn something too.

Lets face it, it shouldn't be difficult at all ........

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 10/09/19 4:23:46 PM
Ingenious Inca
Posts: 248


Re: 3d looks not good
Thanks for replying!
I should have mentioned my worklow.
I use PS on a daily basis (graphic design and photomontage) and donīt really use it for 3D (rarely)...BUT yesterday I was reminded by watching a tutorial, how easy it is to come up with extruded text and it works beautifully.
After I have my extruded text then I export it (as Collada) and apply texture in Keyshot (see result right).
But then I tried doing the same with another shape (no text) imported from Adobe Illustrator (see the bad result left).
I also believe PS is not the the most comprenhensive 3D app at all, but it is so easy to have 3d text.

Posted on 10/09/19 5:29:42 PM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5398


Re: 3d looks not good
Ooops. Double post erased.

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 10/09/19 5:30:50 PM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5398


Re: 3d looks not good
Yes well that shows your dilemma clearly enough!

It looks like an aliasing problem. Have you checked the context toolbars for an aliasing option that might have got switched off?

If you use photoshop on a daily basis then I imagine you must have thought of all that. Forgive me if it is a patronising question, but I consider myself a very experienced user (photomontage) and I still manage to miss things silly things like that on an embarrassingly regular basis.

But then I am something of an expert at missing the blindingly obvious ...........

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 10/09/19 7:47:10 PM
Ingenious Inca
Posts: 248


Re: 3d looks not good
You are right...I have found no checkbox (if there is any!) that makes it look smooth.

Posted on 10/09/19 9:07:00 PM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5398


Re: 3d looks not good
Over to the experts ........ suggestions anyone?

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 11/09/19 02:31:20 AM
Ingenious Inca
Posts: 248


Re: 3d looks not good
DavidMac I figured it out!
It is actually simple, now it is clear why it works so well with text layers.

When I CTRL + click a custom shape in a layer, the "marching ants" follow the shape pixel by pixel, so when this is extruded into 3D shape..that is what is extrudes! all jagged.

One thing I had already tried before coming to the forum, was to make a clean path from the selection but i didnīt work either...because of a lack of adjustment! Default value for create path from selection is 0.5. That means high fidelity (see image) and creates lots of little segments (jagged), in this case I should have used value 1 or higher.

With that the problem was solved! .

Anyway, the best thing is of course to use the pen

thanks for your help!

Posted on 11/09/19 02:32:14 AM
Ingenious Inca
Posts: 248


Re: 3d looks not good
Look how clean the result is with a value of 1.1

Posted on 11/09/19 09:11:04 AM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5398


Re: 3d looks not good
So best is paths, wherever possible, with just one point at each end. As you say pen tool to create the shapes would be the best.

Glad you got it sorted. I must confess I don't think I would have got there.

Sometimes the mere act of posting the question sharpens the mind. I can think of a number of occasions where, after posting the question, the light bulb goes on and there is the answer that was waiting the whole time.

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 11/09/19 5:38:34 PM
Ingenious Inca
Posts: 248


Re: 3d looks not good
DavidMac wrote:

Glad you got it sorted. I must confess I don't think I would have got there.

A couple of years ago I watched a Lynda. com tutorial about basic 3D in Photoshop, with that I got started.
With this problem I had (jagged extrusion) I had no idea where to start looking for solutions, there were many possibilities.
The videos I found in this course: "Lynda - Creating Printable 3D Art in Photoshop" (instructor Steve Caplin) narrowed the choices for possible solutions.
That gave me the idea for trying with paths!

Posted on 11/09/19 8:17:45 PM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5398


Re: 3d looks not good
Image compositing and creation is so fraught with pitfalls that sometimes I wonder how we manage. Ironically the solutions to almost all our problems are out there somewhere ......... the problem is always where to find them ...........and then to try to assess whether they are valid or some self appointed 'expert', or someone worth listening to.

Or, as Winston Churchill would have it, "Someone to whom it is worth listening".

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

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