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» Forum Index » Problems and solutions » Topic: A problem for Mariner (and anyone else mad enough to try)

Posted on 05/10/19 03:05:43 AM
Renaissance Mariner
Posts: 2938


Step 7

Here is the bottom half of the tower and a bit of the top. You can see that the top is farther away than the base, so I have extracted the base fairly accurately as it will make warping easier. The same applies to the right wing of the building.

Posted on 05/10/19 04:31:47 AM
Renaissance Mariner
Posts: 2938


Step 8
Now it's starting to look more believable, but we still have a very long way to go. I shall refer back to this image whenever I lose my way (often).

Posted on 06/10/19 03:03:01 AM
Renaissance Mariner
Posts: 2938


Step 9
Let's get down to the nitty gritty. For no particular reason let's start on this area:

Posted on 06/10/19 03:13:29 AM
Renaissance Mariner
Posts: 2938


Step 10
We are going to create shapes, so vector graphics is the way to go. They can be made to go where you want with ease, and modified just as easily. They have lovely sharp edges.
The pillars can just be seen through the scaffolding. You have to use your imagination with the invisible parts, but the guide we created earlier helps.

Posted on 06/10/19 03:16:24 AM
Renaissance Mariner
Posts: 2938


Step 10b
Here's a clearer view of the shapes.

Posted on 06/10/19 04:57:44 AM
Wizard of Oz
Posts: 2869


Re: A problem for Mariner (and anyone else mad enough to try)
Michael, this is incredible. I look forward to watching your progress each day. It's like a time lapse video in slow motion
Keep up the great work

Dorothy: Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore

Posted on 06/10/19 09:44:35 AM
Renaissance Mariner
Posts: 2938


Re: A problem for Mariner (and anyone else mad enough to try)
Glad you are watching this, Anna. There's more to come today, or tonight, or both.

Posted on 06/10/19 10:58:14 AM
Hole in One
Posts: 3032


Re: A problem for Mariner (and anyone else mad enough to try)
What Anna said...

Posted on 06/10/19 2:25:11 PM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5398


Re: A problem for Mariner (and anyone else mad enough to try)
Sorry to be slow coming back to this I have been on the move.

Michael this is just marvellous! To give us this insight into how you work is a real eye opener.

A page turner ........

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 07/10/19 01:56:24 AM
Renaissance Mariner
Posts: 2938


Re: A problem for Mariner (and anyone else mad enough to try)
Thanks David.
There are two people watching my every move. I had better be careful!

Posted on 07/10/19 02:03:57 AM
Renaissance Mariner
Posts: 2938


Step 11
This image uses only vector graphics except for the dome, the gables, the shading on the pillars, and, of course, the two statues. My original choice of statues was not entirely suitable, so i had to make some changes.

Posted on 07/10/19 4:49:04 PM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6956


Re: A problem for Mariner (and anyone else mad enough to try)
Mariner wrote:
Thanks David.
There are two people watching my every move. I had better be careful!

Oh, more than two!

Posted on 07/10/19 4:49:06 PM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6956


Re: A problem for Mariner (and anyone else mad enough to try)
Mariner wrote:
Thanks David.
There are two people watching my every move. I had better be careful!

Oh, more than two!

Posted on 07/10/19 10:53:00 PM
Renaissance Mariner
Posts: 2938


Re: A problem for Mariner (and anyone else mad enough to try)
Wow! Now there are two Steve Caplins as well!

Posted on 08/10/19 04:02:30 AM
Renaissance Mariner
Posts: 2938


Step 12

Posted on 08/10/19 08:12:07 AM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5398


Re: A problem for Mariner (and anyone else mad enough to try)
Mariner wrote:
Wow! Now there are two Steve Caplins as well!

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 09/10/19 05:41:13 AM
Renaissance Mariner
Posts: 2938


Step 13
This all looks a bit murky in low res, but I will remember to post a hi-res link to the completed image.

Posted on 10/10/19 07:34:19 AM
Renaissance Mariner
Posts: 2938


Step 14
The reconstruction phase is nearly finished. Later I will move on to a more interesting phase - enhancing and polishing.

Posted on 11/10/19 00:37:25 AM
Renaissance Mariner
Posts: 2938


Step 15
The guide from Step 8 has been very useful so far and has meant that little notice needed to be paid to perspective. Now we have to take care of the right wing of the building, and the Step 8 guide is less than accurate, especially with those right hand steps.
Given the lack of clues I had to guess the horizon and the vanishing point location, but I was WAY OUT (see Step 15b)

Posted on 11/10/19 04:14:57 AM
Renaissance Mariner
Posts: 2938


Step 15b
The right hand stairs look even worse now than my guide. The obvious answer is that the VP belongs well down below the image, where you might expect the horizon to be. Second attempt to follow.

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