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» Forum Index » The Friday Challenge » Topic: Challenge 897: Grace and Mary

Posted on 07/03/22 3:29:33 PM
michael sinclair
Off-Topic Opportunist
Posts: 1823


Re: Challenge 897: Grace and Mary
David "that very big fellow" is now a "little fellow"

Again, genuine thanks for letting me know of my "oversight" ; however, I stand in "shame" because...I don't get it:

Posted on 07/03/22 3:42:51 PM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5398


Re: Challenge 897: Grace and Mary
michael sinclair wrote:
David "that very big fellow" is now a "little fellow"

Again, genuine thanks for letting me know of my "oversight" ; however, I stand in "shame" because...I don't get it:

I shall simply say it's a reference strictly for movie goers. Curious to see how many there are here.

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 07/03/22 3:54:35 PM
Realism Realiser
Posts: 831

Re: Challenge 897: Grace and Mary
Thanks Mariner and David.

Love your 2nd and 3rd entries David. The lighting in the 2nd is very cozy.

Good 1 Anna. The video really works well.

The grass is greener on the other side of the fence because there is more $hit there.

Posted on 07/03/22 4:09:27 PM
Realism Realiser
Posts: 831

Re: Challenge 897: Grace and Mary
Michael, I'm downloading something so my net is a bit slow. I could have sworn I saw the Orangutan's eyes open....and I Glad I was right otherwise there was something in my coffee.

The grass is greener on the other side of the fence because there is more $hit there.

Posted on 07/03/22 9:29:32 PM
Eager Beaver
Posts: 1696


Re: Challenge 897: Grace and Mary
Great work all - struggled with ideas for this one.

Posted on 08/03/22 2:52:41 PM
Realism Realiser
Posts: 831

Re: Challenge 897: Grace and Mary
Lovely Frank. Pre-supper time gossip.

The grass is greener on the other side of the fence because there is more $hit there.

Posted on 08/03/22 3:14:07 PM
josephine harvatt
Gag Gadgeteer
Posts: 2603


Re: Challenge 897: Grace and Mary
Some very er interesting interpretations this week - Anna I love the animation on the sad bloke in the window

I'm not really bad - I just draw that way

Posted on 08/03/22 3:15:27 PM
josephine harvatt
Gag Gadgeteer
Posts: 2603


Re: Challenge 897: Grace and Mary
This is what popped into my head - personally I rely on my little bit of seaweed

I'm not really bad - I just draw that way

Posted on 08/03/22 5:13:14 PM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5398


Re: Challenge 897: Grace and Mary
josephine harvatt wrote:
This is what popped into my head

Oh very clever. I'd forgotten about them! Long time since I've seen one.

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 10/03/22 04:45:12 AM
Renaissance Mariner
Posts: 2938


Re: Challenge 897: Grace and Mary

Posted on 10/03/22 09:28:33 AM
Magical Montagist
Posts: 3906


Re: Challenge 897: Grace and Mary
Not an easy task this week but good submissions nonetheless.
Sorry I can’t come out to play this week as I am away for a few days.

Time flies like an arrow but fruit flies like a banana.

Posted on 10/03/22 12:51:13 PM
Realism Realiser
Posts: 831

Re: Challenge 897: Grace and Mary
Lovely neat rebuild again Mariner. Don't trust her soldier! She wants rush-in.

The grass is greener on the other side of the fence because there is more $hit there.

Posted on 10/03/22 3:30:15 PM
Renaissance Mariner
Posts: 2938


Re: Challenge 897: Grace and Mary
dwindt wrote:
Lovely neat rebuild again Mariner. Don't trust her soldier! She wants rush-in.

Thank you Dennis. Yes, it's a quickie she wants!

Posted on 10/03/22 11:40:08 PM
Kreative Kiwi
Posts: 2157


Re: Challenge 897: Grace and Mary

Perfect confidence is granted to the less talented as a consolation prize.

Posted on 11/03/22 08:01:58 AM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6956


Re: Challenge 897: Grace and Mary
First to occupy the Maltese house this week was lwc, with a fine array of people and animals. I like the view of Boris through the window, and the dog leaning over the door. Kept waiting for something to move.

A neat gag from dwindt, with a perfectly positioned pair of characters. I really like the opened door with its subtle glazing, and the new interior view behind it. Immaculate.

Mary, mother of Grace - and grandmother of whom? Good work from DavidMac, even if the grandmother does seem to be levitating. I like her opened door, though, and the intriguing view through to the rest of the house - perfectly lit. I enjoyed the second entry, with its cast of disreputable, but I wondered about the placement of the people in the middle window: why are they so high? Also, the woman on the right seems unnaturally large, but then maybe she is. Splendid if somewhat out of focus lacemaking equipment in the third entry. The torn, stained and creased photo effect works well, although that’s a hell of a lot of punishment for one photograph. The glasses are a good idea, but maybe a touch of distortion needed through the lenses? I puzzled and puzzled over the fourth entry but I’m sorry to say I didn’t get it. Please explain!

A curious renovation from michael sinclair, whose new building has clearly been photographed from an angle and then straightened out: the viewpoint of that central column is wildly at odds with the camera, as is the slope on the side wall tiles. I like the opening doors, Michael, but I can’t understand why you didn’t make all these changes on the original image. I do like the orangutan, though.

A rather fine rebuild from tooquilos, with a good deal of anguish seen through the window - and some curious barn doors. That’s a hell of a stretched stretch limo in the animated version - and a charming interpretation of the song. Very cute.

A glorious collection of ladies from Frank, neatly perched on their steps and chairs. And perfectly chosen: they look exactly the right sort of people. The woman in the window is a nice touch, and I particularly like the new blind.

I really enjoyed Josephine Harvatt’s weather house gag - the people very nearly give it away, but it’s the thermometer tucked behind the flowers that does it. And nice job changing Mary to Gary.

A complete rebuild from Mariner, with a relocation to Ukraine - a building that has clearly evaded the bombing. The new tiles and paving are immaculate, but maybe too immaculate; they’re so perfect as to look unreal. Some dirtying-up of the tiles and road surface would help here, and adding an inner bevel to the grout would make the tiles more three-dimensional. There’s an issue with the pose of the woman in the pink shirt: she’s sitting on a step further back than the soldier, yet her hand is in front of her elbow. Which would be possible were it not for the fact that her elbow is behind her knee, making it a physical impossibility. Easily fixed:

A fine pair of nuns from Vibeke, visiting a couple of people to don’t seem interested in what they have to offer. The crucifix in the window would suggest they’re catholic, though, but does the bottle of Jameson make them Irish? Nicely assembled.

Posted on 11/03/22 09:10:07 AM
Renaissance Mariner
Posts: 2938


Re: Challenge 897: Grace and Mary
Yes, Steve, thanks, I agree with nearly all your comments. "The pose of the woman could be easily fixed"... Not so easy for me, it seems - I spent some time fiddling with it. I just couldn't see what was wrong. Well fixed! And I like your grouting. I thought I could get away with mine. Yes, the tiles needed some grime. I knew that. Just forgot, I suppose.

Posted on 11/03/22 10:45:54 AM
josephine harvatt
Gag Gadgeteer
Posts: 2603


Re: Challenge 897: Grace and Mary
Thank you Steve. I thought in the interests of equality we should have nice looking chap in there

I'm not really bad - I just draw that way

Posted on 11/03/22 10:50:18 AM
Eager Beaver
Posts: 1696


Re: Challenge 897: Grace and Mary
Thanks Steve, I searched for Maltese women, that's a man in center window as is the one peeking thru the blinds. They are stying clear of the local gossip gathering.A wise move in my books.

Posted on 11/03/22 3:32:29 PM
Hole in One
Posts: 3032


Re: Challenge 897: Grace and Mary
Thanks Steve...!

Posted on 11/03/22 5:28:09 PM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5398


Re: Challenge 897: Grace and Mary
Steve Caplin wrote:
.... even if the grandmother does seem to be levitating.

Oh yes. I see what you mean. The legs of her chair have got lost in the shadow.

I wondered about the placement of the people in the middle window: why are they so high? Also, the woman on the right seems unnaturally large, but then maybe she is.

They are placed high so we can see them! I imagined a raised portion of floor with a few steps.

I puzzled and puzzled over the fourth entry but I’m sorry to say I didn’t get it. Please explain!

It seems that neither you nor anybody here are cinema goers.

My reference was to Wes Anderson the director in the centre of the image. Wes is one of the most stylish and unusual directors of today. He is noted for his use of very straight on 'proscenium', often symmetrical, compositions and the use of co-ordinated clean colours often in strong or pastel tones. I just love his work and unusual visuals. If you look at the trailer here for one of my favourites "The Grand Budapest Hotel" you will see why the absolute flat on composition and symmetry of your Malta house image reminded me of him.

If you have any streaming services you really should look for it Steve. I think you would love it.

Here's the trailer.

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......
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