This week's banner is by lwc from Oklahoma, USA

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» Forum Index » The Friday Challenge » Topic: Challenge 1029: Rain in Tangier

Posted on 11/11/24 1:31:19 PM
Ant Snell
Specular Specialist
Posts: 541


Re: Challenge 1029: Rain in Tangier

Posted on 12/11/24 00:32:54 AM
Hole in One
Posts: 3029


Re: Challenge 1029: No rain in the year 3535

Posted on 12/11/24 02:50:28 AM
Wizard of Oz
Posts: 2868


Re: Challenge 1029: Rain in Tangier
Great tribute to everything Australian, David. I laughed at the koala folding its arms... it's like...yeah? What are ya looking at?
I absolutely struggled with this one. Not sure it's worthy of posting but here it is.

The robots works well, Loyd. Adds to that dystopian atmosphere. I love the heat haze.

Wicked Witch of the West: I'm melting! I'm melting!

Posted on 12/11/24 09:15:43 AM
Virtual Virtuoso
Posts: 678


Re: Challenge 1029: Rain in Tangier
Ben Boardman wrote:
katew wrote:
Ben Boardman wrote:
I was actually born in Bath, Somerset but my parent were 10 quid poms and I've been here since 1953, guess I qualify as a Fair Dinkum Aussie!

Ben, I live in Bath, at Larkhall. Where were you?

77 Lower Oldfield Park, Bath

Not far from me,then!

Posted on 14/11/24 12:12:03 PM
Eager Beaver
Posts: 1693


Re: Challenge 1029: Rain in Tangier

Posted on 14/11/24 1:33:01 PM
Renaissance Mariner
Posts: 2929


Re: Challenge 1029: Rain in Tangier

Posted on 15/11/24 08:41:16 AM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6952


Re: Challenge 1029: Rain in Tangier
I suppose political comment was inevitable this week, and lwc's waste disposal truck hits the nail on the head. It’s not a pretty sight… and this week’s announcement of Trump appointments puts Vance in the shade. Nicely done, Loyd. That’s a truly haunting dodgem scene – where on earth did that appear? The truck fits very neatly in there. Do I assume from the vaguely Cyrillic font that it’s in Russia? Ah, I see – Chernobyl. Of course. I like the idea of the nuclear waste entry, but the perspective is all over the place – two horizons yards apart! A truly disturbing discarded skeleton entry, the broken signpost being a nod to last week’s Challenge. Great robots! I like the subtle arm movements.

More politics from GKB, with the truck full of American icons. Some great detail here – the broken arm of Liberty lying on the ground, the ghostly fury of Trump in the skies, and barely-visible swastika flag… and of course the junkyard setting. Very nicely composed, Gordon.

Even Ben Boardman has got in on the politics, with new wheels and a steaming pile of dung being driven out of a Trump rally. The fact that the attendees are holding signs saying Trump-Pence makes me think they’re not entirely on the ball. Embarrassed to say I don’t recognise the woman with the shovel.

A significantly upgraded truck from Mariner, with a new seat, wheels and even a rather impressive windshield for the driver. A splendid ground shadow, although the depth of shading on the trees behind makes me think it should be rather darker. I like how you’ve buried the wheels in the sand. Excellent. The waterlogged entry is fantastic, with just the right amount of truck visible beneath the waterline and perfect perspective. I really like this one.

A random assortment of Australian memorabilia from DavidMac, complete with two cases of Fosters. I was going to point out that Mr Dundee is somewhat too low in the frame, but realised you dod this to avoid having to replace the dodgy wheel – a neat cheat. And good to see you scratching that seven year itch.

I rather enjoyed michael sinclair’s driverless vehicle, even though it ignores the brief and works with a different truck entirely. It is, of course, the same image you’ve created hundreds of times before, which always baffles me. Not sure the oscillating wheels really suggest motion; and since you’ve gone to the troubler of adding a prominent horizon, wouldn’t it be worth making the vehicle match it?

I like Ant Snell’s idea of using one truck to repair another – and the dismantled seat and wheel work really well. I wonder, though, if anything could be done about the mismatch of perspective angles on the two trucks? Their proximity makes it very obvious.

A full load of nuclear waste from tooquilos, the wheels cunningly hidden in the long grass to avoid having to replace them. Good cheat. I like the new seat., and the overall darkness - but what’s that bright patch of grass on the left? Amazing liquid surface, drips and steam effects in the animated version – you really threw everything at that! Very impressive!

Good to see Frank's mechanic hard at work with new seat and wheels. I like the Keep Out sign. The Out of Service sign looks wrong, though, as it’s head on to the viewer rather than following the angle of the truck. Of course there’s no reason why this shouldn’t be the case, but it always jars in a montage. Even a slight tilt would make it more believable.

Posted on 15/11/24 08:51:44 AM
Renaissance Mariner
Posts: 2929


Re: Challenge 1029: Rain in Tangier
Thanks Steve. My first entry was just a quickie, trying to beat Loyd's first entry (failed).
My second entry took a lot more time and gave me much more enjoyment.

Posted on 15/11/24 12:21:20 PM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5386


Re: Challenge 1029: Rain in Tangier
Steve Caplin wrote:
I was going to point out that Mr Dundee is somewhat too low in the frame, but realised you dod this to avoid having to replace the dodgy wheel – a neat cheat.

Well yes ......... but not entirely. There is a pronounced perspective in the road at this point. To move him up I would have had to also move him back quite a bit and he and the dumper and animals would all have started to get a bit small. I could have extended the background forward and included the bottom of the dumper leaving it where it is but it seemed a bit of a sledge hammer to crack nuts.

Thanks Steve.

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 15/11/24 12:45:54 PM
Magical Montagist
Posts: 3902


Re: Challenge 1029: Rain in Tangier
Thanks Steve. I reckon that the ‘barely concealed’ swastika is about to be somewhat less concealed.

Why is it that all the contestants in the ‘Miss Universe’ contest are all from Earth?

Posted on 15/11/24 12:51:25 PM
Hole in One
Posts: 3029


Re: Challenge 1029: Rain in Tangier
Steve Caplin wrote:
I suppose political comment was inevitable this week, and lwc's waste disposal truck hits the nail on the head

Had to do it... thanks Steve!

Posted on 21/11/24 10:31:42 PM
Eager Beaver
Posts: 1693


Re: Challenge 1029: Rain in Tangier
Thanks Steve, agree.
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