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» Forum Index » The Friday Challenge » Topic: Challenge 1031: A curious fish

Posted on 29/11/24 08:35:28 AM
Steve Caplin
Posts: 6952


Re: Challenge 1031: A curious fish
First to feed the fish this week was lwc, with a glorious caveman scene: the mist, the water and the smoke, of course, but the movement of both the fish and the spearing man are perfect. Is that a metaphor? How we find a new species and immediately try to kill it? I like the view from the cockpit, with its range of intricate movements, and the baby at the window which reminds me of an episode of the Twilight Zone. A very cute bottle entry, in which the breathing movement is absolutely spot on. I really like how you bring these images to life. The prehistoric swamp is fabulous – the new teeth on that fish really turn it into a species of wonder. An intriguing wall carving, shame it’s obscured by the camera! And the fish does make a very impressive balloon – well, that’s one way to make it fly. Great work this week.

Very fine fish wings from DavidMac, complete with shadow on the water. That’s a great pose for the eagle, but why is it that it looks as if the eagle is in front of the fish, rather than directly behind it? I can’t quite put my finger on it. Perhaps it’s the curve of the fish’s tail. The desert scene is astonishingly convincing: so utterly believable and, as you suggest, it’s largely down to the placement of the shadows. Personally I’d have tucked the fish behind that rock half way along its belly, which is the only jarring point for me. I like the Jamie Oliver entry, even if the fish does look a little undercooked. A touch browner, perhaps. I can see why, having had the idea, you had to create the underwater nightclub – some very snappy dressers there, and significant ingenuity in turning the fish to so many different angles.

I genuinely laughed out loud at Mariner's fish suit. What an extraordinary thing to imagine! And very neatly pieced together. Bit of attention needed around the neck. The water entry is beautiful, with perfectly realised colouring signifying it poking its eyes above the surface. And it really is a Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps! Extraordinary. I thought fish were called things like cod and trout.

It took me a while to interpret Ant Snell’s fish – at first I thought it was in the process of moving from water to land, then I noticed the crutches. You certainly score highly for innovation, and indeed for execution – those two water splashes add to the sense of movement, as does the angle of the water in the bowl. I like the fact that you’ve added refraction to the view of the crutch through the bowl. Is that waiting room policy your own invention?

Excellent eagle movement from michael sinclair, with the fish really looking as if it’s struggling to get free. I like how the eagle’s neck dips as it flaps its wings. Very nicely put together.

I love the surrealism of tooquilos's fish giraffes, with the clever blending of patterns. I really enjoyed seeing the stages of evolution in the animated version, with its multiple fish beasts. The animated giraffish is especially impressive.

A truly bizarre fish-in-progress from Frank, with impressive legs and an even more impressive tongue. I like how you’ve made a cross-section of above and below water, and the splashes around that net indicate movement well. A very entertaining image.

Outstanding entries this week. Great work, everyone.

Posted on 29/11/24 09:59:14 AM
Renaissance Mariner
Posts: 2929


Re: Challenge 1031: A curious fish
Thanks Steve,. These fish are sometimes known as "catfish"!

Posted on 29/11/24 10:07:03 AM
Director of Photoshop
Posts: 5386


Re: Challenge 1031: A curious fish
Steve Caplin wrote:
... but why is it that it looks as if the eagle is in front of the fish, rather than directly behind it? I can’t quite put my finger on it. Perhaps it’s the curve of the fish’s tail.

I struggled with this at the time. I tried making him smaller but it only made him a small eagle .... not further away.

More on this in a moment.

The desert scene is astonishingly convincing: so utterly believable and, as you suggest, it’s largely down to the placement of the shadows.

Thank you. Yes, as we all know, shadows are absolutely key to placing things.

And therein lies the eagle problem! If he was further away than the fish, even though higher, he would also have had a shadow on the water. Not sure how I missed that but I did. It's astonishing how powerful is our subconscious interpretation of these things but it is lack of shadow that brings the eagle into the foreground.

...... even if the fish does look a little undercooked. A touch browner, perhaps.

Japanese week? No. You are quite right.

I can see why, having had the idea, you had to create the underwater nightclub.

It was the Wikipedia description of them "being more active at night" that triggered it. As you say, once the idea is there, it's an itch that has to be scratched. Good thing is that truly silly can be such fun!

Thanks Steve. A lot of fun entries this week. Seems we all enjoyed it.

The subtlety and conviction of any Photoshop effect is invariably inversely proportional to the number of knobs on it .......

Posted on 29/11/24 10:50:02 AM
Ant Snell
Specular Specialist
Posts: 541


Re: Challenge 1031: A curious fish
Thanks for all your feedback, Steve. Alas, the waiting room policy was not my idea, I just came across it while searching for waiting room signs and thought it was too good not to include. If anyone cannot read it due to the low resolution, it reads “If you die while waiting to see the t, please cancel your appointment”

Posted on 29/11/24 9:39:21 PM
Hole in One
Posts: 3029


Re: Challenge 1031: A curious fish
Had a lot of fun with this one, thanks for your generous comments Steve!

Posted on 30/11/24 1:22:42 PM
Eager Beaver
Posts: 1693


Re: Challenge 1031: A curious fish
Thanks Steve
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